Lewistown Area Chamber of Commerce

AG TOUR Vision

To provide the opportunity to experience first-hand the daily operations and innovations in today’s agricultural operations in Central Montana.

JOIN US September 2025
The annual Ag Tour coordinated by the local Chamber includes a wide range of new and innovative presentations and tours. Local operators have shared multiple initiatives such as range management and technology implementations, agritourism and entrepreneur initiatives.

Our farm and ranch members include livestock, sheep, alpaca, and goat owners and operators. To Reserve a seat, please call the Lewistown Area Chamber of Commerce- 406-535-5436 or stop in our office at 408 NE Main St. 

Recent tours have included…
Montana RancHERS – Gateway Simmental – Green Ranch: Virtual Fencing – Winifred Museum – Lewistown Livestock Auction – Teigan Ranch – Fort McGinnis – Fred Robinson Bridge

Fast Facts: 
*Farms & Ranches generated $75 Million of value added or 17% of the County’s total GDP in 2017
*Agriculture production employs 26% of Fergus County workforce
*For every ten farm & ranch jobs – four jobs are generated in the county